The software engineering process often reveals to us many redundant elements inside the structure and code of our software. Knowing this, some of the primary responsibilities of a developer are to write easily understandable and maintanable code - not just solutions.

However, projects often get more complex with time, making the initial software structure a critical element that must be well thought-out and implemented from the very beginning.

Design Patterns are intended to solve this issue.

Design patterns are a set of standards used to optimize specific tasks related to the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. They aim to reduce overall count of code lines, optimize structures, and standardize the software architecture.

The Object-Oriented Programming paradigm delivers a structure based on classes, where each class represents a blueprint for an object (instance of that class) that has its own attributes and methods. These classes are related and have their own dependencies, compositions, inheritance, etc. Translating real-life problems and structures to software solutions is the primary motivation for implementing this structure.

In this guide, we’ll explore one of the Behavioral Design Patterns and its implementation in Python: the Template Method.

This design pattern will give us a general method composed of multiple steps. The classes related to our template method class can then call these steps individually or overwrite them.

In addition, we’ll learn how to use the ABC Library in Python, which defines an inheritance relationship for abstract base classes (ABCs). We’ll use this library to create a simple template method example.

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Template Method Design Pattern in Python
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