WebdriverIO is an E2E automation framework built to automate modern web and mobile applications. It simplifies the interaction with your app and provides a set of plugins that help you create a scalable, robust and stable test suite.

In this video, we will be covering - What is WebdriverIO? How you can set up WebdriverIO in your machine and how you can write and run E2E UI tests using WebdriverIO. At the end of the video, we will take existing tests and generate reports using the Allure Reporter.

💻 Code - https://github.com/automationbro/webdriverio-v7
🔗 Node JS - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
🔗 WebdriverIO - https://webdriver.io/

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) WebdriverIO v7 Crash Course
⌨️ (01:03) What is WebdriverIO?
⌨️ (01:57) Advantages of using WebdriverIO
⌨️ (03:19) WebdriverIO Setup & Installation
⌨️ (09:31) Review Wdio.conf.js file
⌨️ (11:40) Review auto-generated tests
⌨️ (17:13) Create WebdriverIO test
⌨️ (22:14) Implement POM
⌨️ (24:43) Working with multiple elements
⌨️ (29:12) WebdriverIO Assertions
⌨️ (31:01) Waits in WedriverIO
⌨️ (43:59) Parallel testing with WebdriverIO
⌨️ (47:11) Generate Allure Report with WebdriverIO
⌨️ (51:20) Review what we covered

Website - http://automationbro.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/AutomationBro

#testing #webdriverio

Web App Testing with WebdriverIO - Crash Course
11.85 GEEK