Every day, customer expectations vary, trends go outdated, and new ideas are all the way around. To stand out among your competitors, you need to analyze how design impacts the visitor’s mind as websites have become the identity of a business. In the digital world, it has become more challenging to draw the attention of the visitors. One way to keep that visitor engaged is to build an appealing web application with a thoughtful perspective is UI/UX design. Let’s look into some of the popular UI/UX design trends if 2020-2021, which you can implement to achieve your goals.

Login without passwords

A majority of users forget their passwords while dealing with multiple online streams. Most often, a password is required to be a combination of special characters, numbers, and alphabets. Even though there is a password resetting option, many apps today use email logins to utilize it. Some take time to recollect the old passwords. The latest UI design trends offer multiple other options for users like fingerprints, face authentication, or PIN to log in to their account.

Dark Mode

The Dark mode is one of the popular design trends that is booming from 2019. It is an option that can be activated when during the night. Moreover, it highlights the existing themes and design elements. The mode allows the users to save battery usage to a greater extent. The dark mode is extensively used by brands such as Instagram, Skype, Twitter, Apple, and Android for a stylish look.

Voice User Interface

Voice-based user interfaces are quick to gain popularity. Voice chatbot and voice assistants navigate the website visitors. It aims to have a human-centered design to stand unique from the competitors as Google and other search engines complement the voice search. The voice-based user interface is one of the new technologies expected to become the fastest growing trend in 2021.

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Top UI/UX Design Trends to Dominate in 2020-2021
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