Over the last several years, JavaScript has been the most popular and widely used language for Single Page Applications. But recently, Microsoft introduces a new framework named Blazor, which allows us to develop browser-based applications using C#. In this article, I will be first introducing Blazor, reasons behind its hype, and compare it with JavaScript.

What is Blazor?

Blazor (Browser+Razor) is a new web development framework introduced by Microsoft, which allows you to develop browser-based applications using C## and Razor syntax alongside HTML and CSS.

Previously, developers had to execute those Razor views on the server-side to present the HTML in the browser — but now, it enables client-side executions for Razor views.

Since Blazor uses WebAssembly, we don’t need any third-party plugins or add-ons to be installed in the web browser to execute. So with Blazor, you can develop both client and server sides using C## and make your work much more comfortable by sharing libraries and code.

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Screenshot by Auther: Sample Blazor Code

#blazor #javascript #web-development

Blazor vs. JavaScript: Will Blazor replace JavaScript
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