_Disclaimer: You are reading Part 1 that gives an overview of the project. __Part 2 _describes the technical setup and data collection. Part 3 is about how to train the Pigeon Recognition Model and run it on Raspberry Pi.

Imagine a beautiful summer morning. The sun is shining through the leaves, the birds are singing happy songs, and everything is full of cheerful colors. You make your first cup of coffee and step on the balcony to enjoy the peace and harmony that only Sunday mornings can provide. Suddenly something disrupts you from the contemplation of the beauty of terrestrial life. In my world, it is the pigeon poop that I find on my balcony almost every day. I am a busy woman. I like enjoying my morning coffee in peace, but what I do not like — to clean the balcony from pigeon’s feces.

#python #deep-learning #internet-of-things #data-science #raspberry-pi

How AI helped me to win the war against the pigeons
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