This is the most important list of the shortcuts every developer should learn asap. I wish I knew them when I started my career as a developer so i could save my time on manual typing.

1. Alt + Up or Alt + Down: Move line

Pretty easy. Move line up and down.

For mac use Opt+Down or Opt+Up

2. Ctrl + Shift + I: Formats the entire file

You can format the whole active file or ask you to download a Formatter extension. I love to use Prettier extension to format JS code

For mac use Shift + Option + F

For Windows use Shift + Alt+ F

3. Ctrl+/ : Toggle line comment

You can easily toggle between comment and uncomment line behavior.

For mac use Cmd+/

4. Ctrl + D : One by one selection

if you need to add the occurrences of the current selection one by one then use Ctrl + D. every time you press the key Ctrl + D it adds a new occurrence to the selection.

For mac use Cmd+D

5. Ctrl + Shift + L: Multi cursor selection

Similar to the previous one but it adds additional cursors to edit all occurrences of the current selection. Probably lower error-prone than doing search and replace all.

For mac use Cmd + Shift + L.

#vscode #efficiency #coding #programming

9 handy VS Code shortcuts every developer should know
1.20 GEEK