In our earlier blog under the xUnit testing tutorial series, we had a look at setting up the framework (further referred as xUnit) in Visual Studio 2019 (VS 2019). Today our core focus is on Selenium test automation with C#. So, we would also need to install the Selenium WebDriver.

Irrespective of the test framework being used, Selenium tests can be executed on a local Selenium Grid as well as remote or cloud-based Selenium Grid. The test case which is presented in this xUnit testing tutorial is executed on the local Selenium grid, i.e., target web browser, corresponding Selenium WebDriver for the browser, Selenium test framework, etc. are present on the machine from where tests are triggered.

Getting Started

Every web browser has its corresponding WebDriver that has to be installed before that browser is invoked from using the Selenium APIs. For xUnit testing framework setup, the example used for target web-page will be opened on the Chrome browser. Hence, Chrome WebDriver has to be installed on the machine where and Selenium test automation framework is already installed.

The locations from where you can download Selenium drivers for popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc are listed down here-

#automation testing #selenium c# #c++

XUnit Testing Tutorial: Running First Script in XUnit
1.45 GEEK