Last week, we announced that the Docker Desktop Stable release includes vulnerability scanning, the latest milestone in our container security solution that we are building with our partner Snyk. You can now run Snyk vulnerability scans directly from the Docker Desktop CLI. Combining this functionality with Docker Hub scanning functionality that we launched in October provides you with the flexibility of including vulnerability scanning along multiple points of your development inner loop, and provides better tooling for deploying secure applications.

You can decide if you want to run your first scans from the Desktop CLI side, or from the Hub. Customers that have used Docker for a while tend to prefer starting from the Hub. The easiest way to jump in is to configure the Docker Hub repos to automatically trigger scanning every time that you push an image into that repo. This option is configurable for each repository, so that you can decide how to onboard these scans into your security program. (Docker Hub image is available only for Docker Pro and Team subscribers, for more information about subscriptions visit the Docker Pricing Page.)

Once you enable scanning, you can view the scanning results either in the Docker Hub, or directly from the Docker Desktop app as described in this blog.

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Combining Snyk Scans in Docker Desktop and Docker Hub to Deploy Secure Containers
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