In a  recent post we explored how RethinkDB’s built-in reactivity is a perfect fit to write a chat app with In this article you will learn how to use GraphQL subscriptions instead, to access RethinkDB’s reactive nature in the frontend.

RethinkDB is a realtime document database. It is easy to use and schema-less, just like MongoDB. In addition, you can subscribe to queries and get notified when data changes, making it the perfect choice for realtime applications.

You can also try the running app, or check out the code repository.

Application setup

We will build a Node.js app, so you need to have node and npm installed. If you want to deploy your app to Heroku, you will also need a  Heroku account, as well having their CLI installed. To run your app locally, you need to  install and run a RethinkDB instance.

#graphql #nodejs #programming

Bring RethinkDB’s realtime magic to the frontend with GraphQL
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