Salesforce has always been one of the demanding CRM platforms. This makes Salesforce, one of the best CRM platforms that have huge market demand, even into the employment market.

Did you know?

  • Salesforce developer accommodates for the 35% job opening of salesforce.
  • Also, Salesforce predict to create 4.2 million jobs by 2024
  • Furthermore, Salesforce online training has given optimum results for freshers and industry professionals for a lucrative cloud career.
    Also, it employed more than 500k jobs in 2021!

Yes, you sense it right! You are at the right choice of cloud computing solutions.

Furthermore, this article will help you with the salesforce developer roles and responsibilities.

But before that, let us know what salesforce has for you!

First thing first, if you are skilled in salesforce, you should know that it has been ranked 3rd in the most in-demand technological skill for the year 2018.

Second, if you are a salesforce professional, your career growth will be 2.7x higher than in any other industry!

So if you are searching to convert your salesforce certification into a lucrative salary, you are already ahead of the cloud curve!

Let us move further from the salesforce amazement and discover answers to the most popular question such as

  1. How to become a salesforce developer?
  2. What are the salesforce roles and responsibilities?
  3. How to prepare for a salesforce developer career path?

In the salesforce developer career path, certification and training is an important phase of salesforce learning.

Many of the industry professionals recommend JanBask Training for the cloud career. It is a one-stop solution for salesforce learning.
In Salesforce, a developer has three major roles to play, such as

  • Salesforce customization
  • Salesforce configuration
  • Custom application development for salesforce

As a salesforce developer, you must know your responsibilities. Read further.

Here is a list of salesforce developer responsibilities:

  1. Salesforce Customization Requirement Handling
  2. Salesforce configuration
  3. Application development
  4. Designing business portal
  5. Complex customer workflows
  6. Functional needs for salesforce functionalities

Furthermore, customization, configuration, and custom application development are explained below.

This will also explain how your salesforce daily responsibilities look like.

Check your major responsibilities below

Salesforce customization:

Your customization domain would consist of

  1. Custom development
  2. Coding for specific toll addition to meet the end-client requirement

It helps to integrate salesforce along with the third-party applications for

  • Apex classes and triggers
  • To create Visualforce emails
  • Visualforce page development
  • Alter page layout using CSS
  • Scalability of CRM platform

Furthermore, salesforce customization consists of six steps such as

As per the end-user requirement, you must carry out a user survey that would include features and tools that salesforce lack but the end-user need to operate its requirement
To set up a customization team would need hiring certified consultant, an in-house team, and a salesforce consultant
In salesforce, the expected feature to your end client must be prioritized in the customization process. Of Course, you stay budget-centric!
Sandbox tool is recommended to be used before you go ahead with the customization process. It helps you to test the changes that you make with the main production environment
Development is a phase where you can start with the execution of salesforce customization
Sustainable user adoption is the last phase but the most important one. Here you will train the end-users to utilize the features that you have developed.
Salesforce configuration:

In salesforce configuration, you can add a new feature to your CRM system. This also means that you can add a specific feature to obtain the desired outcome.

It is recommended that you must achieve the technical and baseline skills through online salesforce training.

Furthermore, in the configuration process, you must focus, on custom functions that will eventually help you with business operations.

Configuration process would include

  • Built-in tools
  • Features
  • Tools
  • Components that help you create the best business strategy

This process would help you with a system that increases and enhance your revenue, Return of Investment, and sales productivity

Salesforce Custom App development:
In Salesforce, app development helps customers to use salesforce, when mobile! For a salesforce developer, custom app development includes:

CRM functionality
Developing custom visual pages
To customize the user interface with Javascript framework
Develop automation capabilities through the development of triggers
Development of analytics with custom reports, dashboards, charts, and KPI’s
Therefore, if you wish to be efficient in the developer roles and responsibilities, your salesforce developer career path must have well-trained technical and baseline skills.

Do you know where you can achieve expertise in your salesforce developer skills?

Let JanBask Training help you!


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