To what extent does your app rely on data? It probably does in some way. Even if the app is not exactly business-oriented, you’d probably need data for the admin panel, the dashboard, performance tracking, and similar analytics features that users love so much.

Visualizing data inside those apps and presenting them to end users is a great responsibility. Companies build strategies around the charts, number, and tables they’re presented with, and often use them to choose whether to pursue business opportunities. Therefore, choosing the right tools can in some cases be the difference between making it and breaking it.

For a JS developer,  the ability to visualize data is just as valuable as making interactive Web pages. Especially that the two often go in pairs. As JavaScript continues to gain popularity in data visualization realm, the market is flushed with even new libraries with which to create beautiful charts for the Web.

For our internal purposes, we needed to better understand when to use them and why. We picked fourteen JavaScript data visualization libraries that are currently the most popular or interesting for building  digital products and started a little study to see which one would work best for our projects. We had a number of factors to consider here:

#javascript #data visualization

14 JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries in 2020
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