How To Find String Length In Python

Python len() function is an inbuilt function in Python language that returns a length of the string. In this example, we will see How To Find String Length In Python | Python String Length. Strings in Python are immutable sequences of Unicode code points.

How To Find String Length In Python

Python String len() method returns the length of the string.

Python len() method can be used to get the length of a given string, sequence, and collection.



It takes a string as the parameter.
See the following code.


ST = "Millie Bobby Brown"
print("The String length of Millie Bobby Brown is:",len(ST))

BB = "Brayan Cranston"
print("The String length of Brayan Cranston is:", len(BB))

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
The String length of Millie Bobby Brown is: 18
The String length of Brayan Cranston is: 15
➜  pyt

Find String length using for loop and in operator

We will use Python for loop and in operator to find the length.


def length(str):
    counter = 0
    for i in str:
        counter += 1
    return counter

str = "Millie Bobby Brown"

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
➜  pyt

Find String Length using while loop and Slicing

We slice a string making it shorter by one at each iteration will eventually result in an empty string.

This is when while loop stops. Maintaining the count of the number of iterations will result in the length of the string.


def length(str):
    counter = 0
    while str[counter:]:
        counter += 1
    return counter

str = "Millie Bobby Brown"

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
➜  pyt

Find String Length using join and count

Python join() method takes in an iterable and returns the string, which is the concatenation of the strings in the iterable.
The separator between the items is the original string on which the method is called.

Using the join and counting the joined string in the original string will also result in the length of the string.

See the following code for more understanding.

def length(str):
    if not str:
        return 0
        some_random_str = 'Leonard Nimoy'
        return ((some_random_str).join(str)).count(some_random_str) + 1

str = "Millie Bobby Brown"

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
➜  pyt

How to get the size of a string in bytes in Python

If you want to get the size of the string in bytes, you need the sys.getsizeof() method.


import sys

str = "Millie Bobby Brown"
print("The byte size of Str is: ", sys.getsizeof(str))

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
The byte size of Str is:  67
➜  pyt

Getting the user entered string length

The following small program of Python takes a user input using the input function.

A length of the entered string is displayed using the len() function as follows.


data = input('Enter a string? ')

print ("The length of entered string = ", len(data))

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
Enter a string? KRUNAL
The length of entered string =  6
➜  pyt

This may be useful where your program requires user input, and there is some limitation for entering the number of characters.

How to find length of list in Python

The len() method takes an argument where you may provide a list, and it returns the length of the given list. See the following code.


data = ['Millie', 'Finn', 'Noah', 'Gaten', 'Caleb', 'Sadie']

print ("The length of entered list = ", len(data))

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
The length of entered list =  6
➜  pyt

How to find length of dictionary in Python

In the following code, we have defined one dictionary.


data = {'eleven': 'Millie', 'mike': 'Finn', 'will': 'Noah'}

print ("The length of entered dict = ", len(data))

See the output.

➜  pyt python3
The length of entered dict =  3
➜  pyt

How to find length of set in Python

In the following code, we have defined one set.


data = {'eleven', 'Millie', 'mike', 'Finn', 'will', 'Noah'}

print ("The length of entered set = ", len(data))

See the output.


➜  pyt python3
The length of entered set =  6
➜  pyt

Finally, How To Find String Length In Python Tutorial Example is over.

Happy Coding!

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How To Find String Length In Python
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