In the world of Ethereum, 2.0 update will be a milestone. Not just for Ethereum, but for the entirety of blockchain. Blockchain, even though is gaining lot of popularity, it is still in its infancy, slowly making its ways outside of Cryptocurrency applications. Ethereum 2.0, also known as Serenity, is hoping to create a scalable and secure platform for application developers to create blockchain applications. These applications could be another cryptocurrency or a social network or even entire Internet.

This could be a moment to refer back in the future. Blockchain is often compared to the Internet in 90s. With that comparison, Ethereum 2.0 could be compared to Mosaic or Yahoo. If you haven’t heard of these names, it is not your fault, as these don’t exist or not mainstream now. Mosaic is the first popular web browser, which is a defining moment for internet. It enabled users, a gateway to the world wide web. Comparing to blockchain, in the current state, even though there are many applications (beyond crypto currency), that are utilizing blockchain, Ethereum 2.0 could change that and provide a gateway for developers to easily develop blockchain based applications.

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What is Ethereum 2.0 and Why it is important?
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