After the Queen’s Gambit came out, I, alongside many, began playing a lot of chess and completing chess puzzles. This tutorial will go over how to build a chess progress monitor using the API,  Twilio Functions, and the  Twilio Serverless Toolkit. Text a username to +14243260196 (for example below, mine is lizziepika) to see it in action.

SMS example


  1. A Twilio account -  sign up for a free one here and receive an extra $10 if you upgrade through this link
  2. A Twilio phone number with SMS capabilities -  configure one here
  3. Postman (you could alternatively make cURL requests from the command line)
  4. Node.js installed -  download it here

Make a API Request

cute Disney man chess gif provides a nice  read-only published data API which makes available public data from the site, such as player data, game data, and club or tournament information.

You can look over different API endpoints offered. To get someone’s profile information, the URL would look like{}. Open Postman and paste that URL (replacing it with a username–if you need one, you can use lizziepika) into the URL bar.


Monitor chess progress using Twilio Serverless and SMS
1.25 GEEK