Step into the shoes of one of your website users for a moment.

You’ve landed on a site and you know exactly what you’re looking for. What’s the first thing you do? That’s right, you look for a search bar.

If by chance, you run an e-commerce site, nearly half of your visitors do this first, according to a Forrester report. ( 1) Having an optimized site search in place – complete with things like autofill and fuzzy matching – helps people find the things they’re looking for quicker.

You may have already built an amazing search experience on your site with  TNTSearch and Laravel Scout. Now it’s time to make the most of it.

Introducing TNT Search Analytics

TNT Search Analytics is a browser-based reporting tool the Laravel dev community has long been missing. It’s built on top of TNT Search to provide you with answers to important questions, such as:

  • How many people search my site and what are they searching for?
  • How quickly are they getting the results back and are they relevant to their queries?
  • What keywords and phrases are being searched the most?

With Laravel Scout and TNTSearch, search queries on your website are logged in real time, as your users are typing them in.

Let’s do a quick search for some airports and see how the results are presented in TNT Search Analytics. You can  try this demo yourself if you want.

These insights matter. They help you understand your users’ intent and gauge whether your site search performs well.

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How to Track Your Site Search in Laravel
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