Ever wonder why technology seems to be more fail by design than security and privacy based? Also, how is it we can have so many training programmes and awareness budgets, but people keep clicking the links and opening the attachments.

In this talk, I will highlight the way we approach security today, and how we can adjust this to be effective. We will look at why technology often isn’t built with security or privacy as default, and how we can be a part of the shift to embedding security.

What will the audience learn from this talk? The take aways from this talk is an understanding of what the current landscape looks like, and how we got here. An understanding on how as individuals we can start to change the culture and understanding of security and privacy How organisations can make a difference to their consumers What part regulations and directives take at protecting consumers, and how to leverage these to make a difference Practical steps everyone can take to make a difference (from the non-technical, personal consumer, professional consumer, programmer/coder, and organisation).

#security #webdev

The Future of Security
1.15 GEEK