This video explains how to use the built-in Git GUI tool. It covers commits, branches, remotes and custom tools.


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:17 Cloning an Existing Repository
  • 00:56 Used Project
  • 02:28 UI
  • 02:53 Commits: Amending
  • 03:16 Commits: Making New Commits
  • 04:19 Branches: Overview
  • 04:28 Branches: Creation
  • 05:04 Branches: Checkout
  • 05:22 Branches: Renaming
  • 05:35 Branches: Deletion
  • 06:18 Branches: Reset
  • 07:04 Branches: Merging
  • 09:20 Remote Repositories: Overview
  • 09:33 Remote Repositories: Pushing
  • 10:42 Remote Repositories: Fetching and Merging
  • 12:29 Remote Repositories: Removing
  • 12:40 Remote Repositories: Adding
  • 13:12 Remote Repositories: Deleting Branches
  • 14:48 Tools: Overview
  • 14:55 Tools: Adding
  • 15:24 Tools: Removing
  • 15:40 Outro

#git #programming #developer #javascript #python

Git Tutorial | Learn to Use the Built-in GUI Tool
1.65 GEEK