I’ve never been a great fan of complicated user interfaces. To be honest, 20 odd years ago, I would have been perfectly happy to stick with Windows 2000 but my son persuaded me to upgrade to XP.

It’s been downhill ever since.

But Linux is different — it’s simple to use and most of the applications that you would expect to find on a modern PC are available for it.

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” — Jack Johnson

We’ll get to how to install it shortly but let’s take a look at what you get.


You’ve probably heard of Ubuntu Linux. It’s probably the best known of the many versions that have been developed. Well, Lubuntu is Ubuntu’s little brother — it has all of the basic functionality of it’s bigger sibling but fewer apps are bundled with it and it has a simpler user interface.

The simpler user interface is key. First, it makes it easy to use and, second, it uses fewer resources and so can run on old hardware with no more than 1 gigabyte of memory.

And although, out of the box, the number of applications is limited, it still has enough to get started.

#recycling #ubuntu #reuse #programming

Give your old PC new life with Lubuntu Linux
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