Asynchronous programming is a norm than an exception these days where every machine and server are packed with CPU. It would be a shame not to use the parallel processing power of the machines.

The Task Asynchronous Programming (TAP) model makes asynchronous programming a piece of a cake. In this video, I am going to walk through some of the basic functionality implementations of asynchronous programming using async/await of task asynchronous programming model implementation.

I am going to use an example of a driver delivering goods to a distribution center. Where multiple tasks can potentially occur in parallel, whereas there would also be some dependency between the tasks. This creates a near-real-time scenario of asynchronous programming.

Features used in this video are as follows:

  1. async/await
  2. Task.Delay
  3. Task.WaitAll
  4. Task.WhenAll
  5. Task.WaitAny

#programming #developer #dotnet

Async/Await an Introduction (Asynchronous Programming in .NET 5.0)
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