Query by distance and date with Pymongo [duplicate]

I know this is a very basic question, but I don’t understand how to do this.

I’m using pymongo 3.6.1 in Python 3 and MongoDB 3.4.19. I’m trying to retrieve from the database the records lower than certain date, sorted by distance. By separate the functions are:

            "loc": {
                "$near": {
                  "$geometry": {
                    "type": "Point",
                    "coordinates": coords


          "Station start date": {
            "$gt": date1

I have tried with aggregate instead of find, but I still haven’t found the way to do this.

I know that there’s something similar answered at MongoDB/PyMongo: Querying multiple criteria - unexpected results, but my question is different as it makes use of georeferenced data.

From MongoDB/PyMongo: Querying multiple criteria - unexpected results and https://stackoverflow.com/a/23577413/2313887 I think that the answer to this problem is:

        "loc": {
            "$near": {
                "$geometry": {
                    "type": "Point",
                    "coordinates": coords
        "Station start date": {
                "$lt": date1

But I’m still uncertain if this is the right approach or if it is really querying for the nearest entries and then selecting only those with a date lower than date1.

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