Read this article on machine learning model deployment using serverless deployment. Serverless compute abstracts away provisioning, managing severs and configuring software, simplifying model deployment.

What is serverless deployment

Serverless is the next step in Cloud Computing. This means that servers are simply hidden from the picture. In serverless computing, this separation of server and application is managed by using a platform. The responsibility of the platform or serverless provider is to manage all the needs and configurations for your application. These platforms manage the configuration of your server behind the scenes. This is how in serverless computing, one can simply focus on the application or code itself being built or deployed.

Machine Learning Model Deployment is not exactly the same as software development. In ML models a constant stream of new data is needed to keep models working well. Models need to adjust in the real world because of various reasons like adding new categories, new levels and many other reasons. Deploying models is just the beginning, as many times models need to retrain and check their performance. So, using serverless deployment can save time and effort and for retraining models every time, which is cool!

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Machine Learning Model Deployment for Beginners
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