A mobile cross-platform app helping students to manage their whole education

A mobile cross-platform app helping students to manage their whole education built with Flutter.

mate mockup

Key Features

  • for iOS and Android
  • clean and high-quality platform-aware design
  • individual schedule
    • Students can see where, when and what classes are coming up.
  • cafeteria dish rating
    • Reddit-style voting system for rating dishes in the cafeteria
  • news
    • general news from the university as well as from the specific department
  • overview screen with days untill next holidays, progress and average
  • serious and accessible handling of private data and information as well as options to disable collection alltogether

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you’ll need Git, Flutter and a Firebase-Project. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/TobiasPrt/mate_app

# Go into the repository
$ cd mate_app

# Install dependencies
$ flutter pub get

# Run application
$ flutter run

# Or run the application with flavors (dev, prod)
$ flutter run --flavor dev


You can download the latest installable version from the Google Play Store and App Store (links follow).


This app uses the following open source packages:

Download Details:

Author: TobiasPrt

Demo: https://mate-app.de/

Source Code: https://github.com/TobiasPrt/mate-app

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

A mobile cross-platform app helping students to manage their whole education
2.70 GEEK