Flutter brings a lot of fascinating things to the table. Two of its fundamental offerings being high-speed and cross-platform applications. This offering is much celebrated because ever since the advent of mobile applications, app developers have been complaining about the application’s sluggishness and low performance. On top of that, it was quite taxing for the development team to write down new lines of code to represent applications on iOS and Android.

These limitations restricted the customer’s reach for entrepreneurs and also disappointed customers in many ways. This is where applications built using Flutter outshined. Flutter offers exceptional services for building cross-platform applications.

The year 2020 saw a whirlwind of on-demand applications pop-ups, and without a doubt, Flutter was the first choice. And therefore, we can strongly assume that even in 2021, Flutter will rule it over, and Flutter is the future of cross-platform frameworks.

Kody Technolab is one of the early adopters of Flutter, which is why we are capable of guiding you with the question, “Why choose Flutter in 2021?”. We have repeatedly been saying that Flutter is the future of mobile development. If you are looking out for enough reasons to reconfirm your choice of Flutter, here we go.

#flutter #mobile-apps #web-development

Why Flutter is an Inevitable Choice for Cross-Platform App Development
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