If you’re a developer, you don’t need an introduction to Visual Studio Code, or VS Code, as most people call it. It is one of the most-used code editors among developers around the world. Being a free, open-source, cross-platform code editor backed by one of the biggest names (Microsoft) only adds to its popularity. The more developers using it, the bigger the community it has, which in turn leads to more extensions released for the editor. In this article, we will discuss some very useful extensions specifically for web development.

  1. Tabnine Autocomplete AI
  2. Better Comments
  3. Auto Rename Tag
  4. Peacock
  5. Trailing Spaces
  6. Color Highlight
  7. Quokka.js
  8. Turbo Console Log
  9. Polacode
  10. Image preview


10 Simple VS Code Extensions for Everyday Use
1.20 GEEK