Have you faced trouble lately while making sense of your ideas after a brain dumping session?

Say yes, and you might need a concept map maker!

Whether you are an aspiring student or a business owner, a concept map can help you. The reason is that ideas keep flowing on one’s head, and then it becomes essential to capture them and interpret meaningful information out of it to leverage it further.

While many of you have a good habit of capturing your ideas in journals, just accumulating them won’t help. You need to correlate things and carve information that makes sense to an idea or concept which can be processed more to add value in your studies or business.

Sounds confusing?

Let me simplify it by giving you an example.

Suppose, if you know the programming languages C and C++, it becomes a bit easier to learn Java.


If you have experience driving your car in hilly stations, then it becomes easier to drive in other plain terrains.

What’s the reason behind it?

Because of your previous experiences, be it driving, or programming language paves the way for subsequent things. When a new knowledge integrates and connects with existing knowledge, the new one becomes easy to grasp and remember.

A concept map works in a similar way.

Let’s dig deeper into the science of concept mapping and understand everything about it.

#design #startup #concept map #how to create one

What is Concept Map and How to Create One?
1.20 GEEK