Adding extensive error handling is crucial when developing maintainable and robust code. Errors can fall into several categories: logical errors, generated errors, compile-time errors, and runtime errors. In this article, we’ll focus on handling runtime errors — errors that occur while a program is running.
Why Do We Need Error Handling?

  1. Prevents program from crashing if an error occurs
    If an error occurs in a program, we don’t want the program to unexpectedly crash on the user. Instead, error handling can be used to notify the user of why the error occurred and gracefully exit the process that caused the error.
  2. Saves time debugging errors
    Following reason #1, having the program display an error instead of immediately crashing will save a lot of time when debugging errors.
    The logic inside the error handler can be updated to display useful information for the developer, such as the code trackback, type of error, etc.

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Handling Errors in Python
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