Jakub Pastuszek presents a show-and-tell about creating a Rust project drawn from his experiences writing the asn-db* and asn-tools** crates, delivering a comprehensive overview of Rust in the process.

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0:00:00 Autonomous System Number database tool
0:05:03 Rust Crates
0:08:04 Cargo: check, build, run, test
0:10:06 Documentation
0:13:31 Imports
0:18:20 Constants
0:21:13 Types in Rust
0:31:48 Functions, Methods and Traits
0:39:25 Generics
0:50:04 derive
0:55:32 Serde
0:59:00 Custom Error Types
1:11:15 Iterators and Option
1:23:30 CSV Parsing
1:29:54 Serialization
1:33:32 panic!
1:38:31 testing
1:41:47 CLI apps
1:45:20 Structopt
1:48:40 Input and Output
1:50:30 Dynamic Types

#rust #rust project

Rust Dublin May 2020 remote meetup - creating a Rust project
1.25 GEEK