Simple Transition Component For React Native


A minimalist and easy to use transition component for React Native.

animated example


Install the library

yarn add react-native-simple-transition

Create a transition component and add the content as a child. New components will be animated every time the key changes.

import { WithPushTransition } from 'react-native-simple-transition';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
    <WithPushTransition style={{flex: 1}}>
      <Text key={count} onPress={() => setCount(count+1)}>
        This component will smoothly transition on key changes.

Currently the only transition component is WithPushTransition. More are planned to be added soon.


Optional properties

  • contentKey: alternative to updating the child’s key property
  • duration: transition duration in milliseconds
  • style: the style given to the transition component
  • easing: an easing function for the transition
  • direction: the direction of the transition; can be "left", "right", "up" or "down"

Download Details:

Author: TheLartians

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#react-native #react #mobile-apps

Simple Transition Component For React Native
3.15 GEEK