My favorite parts of Computer Science are things that remind me of being human. Believe it or not Computers have this emergent property where as they become more complex they start to do things just like us. We touched on this when I wrote about Recursion. There I discussed how a computer function will call it self over and over until it gets the answer it wants. So very… human of it and to me this touches on problem solving. Memoization can extend this human like quality further.

Very intuitively Memoization is local memorization of the computer program. Lets say you write a function that gets called. If that same function gets called again with the same inputs then it should return the same output. This is known as functional programming which is composed of pure functions; here things are referential and if you replace the function call with the return value of the function the program will behave exactly the same.


Work Smarter, Not Harder. Memoize It
1.05 GEEK