I just started learning React Native and I have to admit that, it’s super easy to start with and hot-reloading makes it amazing to develop and reload the application in no time.

But is that all? A big NO.

Being a UI designer, fonts matter a lot to me and the custom fonts play an important role when it comes to building a decent looking user interface.

How to Add Custom Fonts

Today, I’ll show you how easy it is to add and use custom fonts in your React Native project.

Step 1: Open terminal, go to the project root directory and run

mkdir assets && mkdir assets/fonts

Step 2: Copy your custom font to the **assets/fonts** folder.

Step 3: Create a file in the root directory with as:

touch react-native.config.js

Step 4: In **react-native.config.js** file add the below code snippet

module.exports = {
     assets: ["./assets/fonts"]

#react-native #javascript

How to Add a Custom Font to a React Native Project
2.10 GEEK