Reflecting back on this blog I realized it’s been 16 years of life here. It hasn’t always been consistent content focus on tech over the early years versus a more random outlet of my thoughts (and apparent lack of concern over punctuation and capitalization). Some months had more volume and as my career (and perhaps passions) changed some had lower volume.
I’ve enjoyed getting back in to posting more recently and finding more time (and again, perhaps the passion) to do so. I think also with newer various outlets of social media, my personal passions are posted elsewhere now like Instagram (if you want to follow my escapades on the bike mostly). Recently this summer in 2019 I switched job roles at Microsoft back into program management with the .NET team. I’m focusing on a few different things but having spent so much time in UI frameworks on the client side for so long, I missed some waves of changes in ASP.NET and needed to re-learn. I spent the first month of my new role doing this and exploring the end-to-end experiences. Instead of building a To-do app, I wanted to have some real scenario for me to work with so I set off to migrate my blog…it was time anyway as just that week I had received warnings on my server about some errors. I could avoid this no longer. It wasn’t an easy path, but here was my journey. #azure 3.5 t core 3

Migrating from .NET 3.5 to ASP.NET Core 3
1.30 GEEK