Today, I’m extremely happy to announce Amazon SageMaker Pipelines, a new capability of Amazon SageMaker that makes it easy for data scientists and engineers to build, automate, and scale end to end machine learning pipelines.

Machine learning (ML) is intrinsically experimental and unpredictable in nature. You spend days or weeks exploring and processing data in many different ways, trying to crack the geode open to reveal its precious gemstones. Then, you experiment with different algorithms and parameters, training and optimizing lots of models in search of highest accuracy. This process typically involves lots of different steps with dependencies between them, and managing it manually can become quite complex. In particular, tracking model lineage can be difficult, hampering auditability and governance. Finally, you deploy your top models, and you evaluate them against your reference test sets. Finally? Not quite, as you’ll certainly iterate again and again, either to try out new ideas, or simply to periodically retrain your models on new data.

No matter how exciting ML is, it does unfortunately involve a lot of repetitive work. Even small projects will require hundreds of steps before they get the green light for production. Over time, not only does this work detract from the fun and excitement of your projects, it also creates ample room for oversight and human error.

#amazon sagemaker #aws re:invent #devops #machine learning

Amazon SageMaker Pipelines Brings DevOps Capabilities
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