Retro Pulse: A React Native App that Visualizes Sensor Data

Retro Pulse

Well, I was trying out react-native-sensors, react-native-track-player and a bunch of other libraries, for getting the real-time (kinda...) sensor data from my phone and playing music. This repository contains an app built with React Native.


  • Utilizes accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope and light sensors.
  • Displays real-time sensor data.
  • Simple UI, with a retro look.
  • Additional device info with all system features listed.
  • Automatic flashlight in the dark (only on devices with a light sensor).
  • Current Location data.
  • Simple music player with Nightwave Plaza radio and other radios like J1 FM
  • Uses OpenWeather API to fetch location based weather data.


  1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: ```bash cd Retro-Pulse
  3. Install the dependencies: ```bash npm install

Create a file in the 'screens' directory and create a 'env.tsx' file and type:

  1. ```bash export const OpenWeatherAPi=[YOUR API KEY]
  2. Run the project: ```bash npm start This will start the Metro bundler and launch the project on an emulator or connected device.





Sensors with flashlight and device info

For devices without a light sensor

For devices with a light sensor


Nightwave Plaza Radio ♫

Weather using OpenWeather API




  1. Open the app on your device or emulator.
  2. Navigate to the "Sensors" card
  3. Press the "Press me!" button to start/stop sensor updates.
  4. Explore the real-time sensor data displayed on the screen.
  5. If your device houses a light sensor, you can also use the light sensor to turn on or off flashlight automatically!!
  6. Use the "Flash" button from the main screen for using flashlight.
  7. Tap the "i" from the main screen button for getting more info about the device. In the menu, tap on "All Features" to list all the available android features.
  8. Navigate to "Location" card for getting location details
  9. Navigate to "Music" card for playing music straight from Nightwave Plaza and other radio stations.
  10. Navigate below to "Weather" card to get location based weather data.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Peace!!

Download details:

Author: Saboten758

License: GPL-3.0 license

#reactnative #react #typescript  

Retro Pulse: A React Native App that Visualizes Sensor Data
1.05 GEEK