Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers and an integer K, the task is to find the minimum cost required to make each element of every subarray of length K equal. Cost of replacing any array element by another element is the absolute difference between the two.


Input: A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6}, K = 3
Output: 7
Subarray 1: Cost to convert subarray {1, 2, 3} to {2, 2, 2} = |1-2| + |2-2| + |3-2| = 2
Subarray 2: Cost to convert subarray {2, 3, 4} to {3, 3, 3} = |2-3| + |3-3| + |4-3| = 2
Subarray 3: Cost to convert subarray {3, 4, 6} to {4, 4, 4} = |3-4| + |4-4| + |6-4| = 3
Minimum Cost = 2 + 2 + 3 = 7/
Input: A[] = {2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 7, 6}, K = 4
Output: 21


To find the minimum cost to convert each element of the subarray to a single element, change every element of the subarray to the median of that subarray. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

To find the median for each running subarray efficiently, use a multiset to get the sorted order of elements in each subarray. Median will be the middle element of this multiset.
For the next subarray remove the leftmost element of the previous subarray from the multiset, add the current element to the multiset.
Keep a pointer mid to efficiently keep track of the middle element of the multiset.
If the newly added element is smaller than the previous middle element, move mid to its immediate smaller element. Otherwise, move mid to its immediate next element.
Calaculate cost of replacing every element of the subarray by the equation | A[i] – medianeach_subarray |.
Finally print the total cost.
Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ Program to implement

// the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Function to find the minimum

// cost to convert each element of

// every subarray of size K equal

int minimumCost(vector arr, int n,

            int k) 


// Stores the minimum cost 

int totalcost = 0; 

int i, j; 

// Stores the first K elements 

multiset<int> mp(arr.begin(), 

                 arr.begin() + k); 

if (k == n) { 

    // Obtain the middle element of 

    // the multiset 

    auto mid = next(mp.begin(), 

                    n / 2 - ((k + 1) % 2)); 

    int z = *mid; 

    // Calculate cost for the subarray 

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 

        totalcost += abs(z - arr[i]); 

    // Return the total cost 

    return totalcost; 


else { 

    // Obtain the middle element 

    // in multiset 

    auto mid = next(mp.begin(), 

                    k / 2 - ((k + 1) % 2)); 

    for (i = k; i < n; i++) { 

        int zz = *mid; 

        int cost = 0; 

        for (j = i - k; j < i; j++) { 

            // Cost for the previous 

            // k length subarray 

            cost += abs(arr[j] - zz); 


        totalcost += cost; 

        // Insert current element 

        // into multiset 


        if (arr[i] < *mid) { 

            // New element appears 

            // to the left of mid 



        if (arr[i - k] <= *mid) { 

            // New element appears 

            // to the right of mid 



        // Remove leftmost element 

        // from the window 

        mp.erase(mp.lower_bound(arr[i - k])); 

        // For last element 

        if (i == n - 1) { 

            zz = *mid; 

            cost = 0; 

            for (j = i - k + 1; 

                 j <= i; j++) { 

                // Calculate cost for the subarray 

                cost += abs(zz - arr[j]); 


            totalcost += cost; 



    // Return the total cost 

    return totalcost; 



// Driver Code

int main()


int N = 5, K = 3; 

vector<int> A({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 }); 

cout << minimumCost(A, N, K); 




Time Complexity: O(NlogN)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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#arrays #greedy #mathematical #sorting #cpp-multiset #median-finding #sliding-window #subarray

Minimum cost required to convert all Subarrays of size K to a single element
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