A quick step-by-step guide for freelancers, small businesses, or non-profit owners.

**(Disclosure:_ This article contains affiliate links for which I might receive a small commission from BlueHost, at no extra cost to you if you choose to purchase through my links)**._

So you’re ready:

If you’re a blogger — you’re probably saying “…this is it. I’m doing it. I’m starting my own blogging site and I will have an audience with whom I can connect on a daily basis.”

If you’re a freelancer, small business owner, or head of a non-profit, you might be ready to take your brand, product, or service to the next level.

_Good for you! _Having a stable and scalable website is a great way to promote your brand, business, products, or services but more importantly — build great relationships with your audience, customers, or stakeholders.

In this guide, I will show you how to get started hosting your own WordPress site on BlueHost. Assuming you have little to no experience hosting a website or blog, I will guide you step-by-step through the initial process.

Before proceeding with these steps, make sure that your website/blog is finalized and is ready to go live. If you need help with setting up your blog or website for launch, please feel free to message me. I have years of experience with WordPress.

You can contact me here or through my website at —Pjcodes.com.

Step 1)

Go to the BlueHost website(You might want to open it in a new tab).

Step 2)

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of information on the page, check out this article below to help you understand the BlueHost services a little better. Otherwise, skip to Step 3.

#coding #javascript #programming

How to Host Your Own Website in Just Minutes
1.10 GEEK