In this article, I am going to discuss the various ways in which we can use Pandas in python to export data to a database table or a file. In my previous article Getting started with Pandas in Python, I have explained in detail how to get started with analyzing data in python. Pandas is one of the most popular libraries used for the purpose of data analysis. It is very easy and intuitive to use. Personally, I love using the library due to the ease of use and the great documentation that is available online.

You can install it on your machine by running the command below. It is covered under the BSD license, so you can use it for free. The only dependency is that you must have a version of python running on your machine prior to installing the library.

pip install pandas

Installing the library

Figure 1 – Installing the library

Once you have installed the library, you can check the version that has been installed by running the command below.

Checking the version of the library

Figure 2 – Checking the version of the library


Exporting Data with Pandas in Python
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