Introduction Python Exp() Method with Examples

math.exp() method is a library method of math module, it is used to get the number in exponential form, it accepts a number and returns the number in the exponential format (if the number is x, it returns e**x.

Python exp()




  • n – an integer or a float number.

Return value:

The math.exp() function returns a floating type number by calculating e**n (e^n). This function returns a TypeError if the given input is not a number.

Examples of Python exp() method

Example 1

# math.exp() method
import math

# numbers

a = 0
b = 245
c = -102.34
d = 111.111
e = -123.456

# printing values in exp format
print("exp(a): ", math.exp(a))
print("exp(b): ", math.exp(b))
print("exp(c): ", math.exp(c))
print("exp(d): ", math.exp(d))
print("exp(e): ", math.exp(e))


exp(a):  1.0
exp(b):  2.5243412626998188e+106
exp(c):  3.583461328080821e-45
exp(d):  1.7984326512709283e+48
exp(e):  2.4195825412645934e-54

Example 2

Pass string as an argument in Python exp()

import math

# When the given number is not a number
n = "546"
print("Value of e^n: ", math.exp(n))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
    print("Value of e^n: ",math.exp(n))
TypeError: must be real number, not str

In this program, we have initialized the value of n a string. As the value of n is not a number, we got one a TypeError.

Example 3

Python exp() with list and tuple.
Let’s take Python list and tuple and pass any items of list and tuple to the exp() function.

import math

Tup = (1.21, 19.26, 13.05, -40.95, 0.45)  # Tuple Declaration
Lis = [-11.21, 3.64, -9.59, -4.15, 5.97]  # List Declaration

print('Python EXP() Function on Positive Number = %.2f' % math.exp(1))
print('Python EXP() Function on Negative Number = %.2f' % math.exp(-1))

print('Python EXP() Function on Tuple Item = %.2f' % math.exp(Tup[2]))
print('Python EXP() Function on List Item = %.4f' % math.exp(Lis[2]))

print('Python EXP() Function on Multiple Number = %.4f' %
      math.exp(11 + 19 - 15.64))
print('Python EXP() Function on String Number = ', math.exp('Python'))


Python EXP() Function on Positive Number = 2.72
Python EXP() Function on Negative Number = 0.37
Python EXP() Function on Tuple Item = 465096.41
Python EXP() Function on List Item = 0.0001
Python EXP() Function on Multiple Number = 1723728.0946
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 14, in <module>
    print('Python EXP() Function on String Number = ', math.exp('Python'))
TypeError: must be real number, not str

This method is used to calculate the power of e i.e., e^y, or we can say exponential of y. The value of e is approximately equal to 2.71828…
Thanks for reading !

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Introduction Python Exp() Method with Examples
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