10 Best Vue Drag and Drop Component For Your App

Vue Drag and drop is a feature of many interactive web apps. It provides an intuitive way for users to manipulate their data. Adding drag and drop feature is easy to add to Vue.js apps.

Here are 10 vue drop components that contribute to the flexibility of your vue application.

1. Vue.Draggable

Vue component (Vue.js 2.0) or directive (Vue.js 1.0) allowing drag-and-drop and synchronization with view model array.

Based on and offering all features of Sortable.js


Demo: https://sortablejs.github.io/Vue.Draggable/#/simple

Download: https://github.com/SortableJS/Vue.Draggable/archive/master.zip

2. realtime-kanban-vue

Real-time kanban board built with Vue.js and powered by Hamoni Sync.


Demo: https://dev.to/pmbanugo/real-time-kanban-board-with-vuejs-and-hamoni-sync-52kg

Download: https://github.com/pmbanugo/realtime-kanban-vue/archive/master.zip

3. vue-nestable

Drag & drop hierarchical list made as a vue component.


  • A simple vue component to create a draggable list to customizable items
  • Reorder items by dragging them above an other item
  • Intuitively nest items by dragging right
  • Fully customizable, ships with no css
  • Everything is configurable: item identifier, max nesting level, threshold for nesting


Demo: https://rhwilr.github.io/vue-nestable/

Download: https://github.com/rhwilr/vue-nestable/archive/master.zip

4. VueDraggable

VueJS directive for drag and drop.

Native HTML5 drag and drop implementation made for VueJS.


Demo: https://vivify-ideas.github.io/vue-draggable/

Download: https://github.com/Vivify-Ideas/vue-draggable/archive/master.zip

5. vue-grid-layout

vue-grid-layout is a grid layout system, like Gridster, for Vue.js. Heavily inspired in React-Grid-Layout


Demo: https://jbaysolutions.github.io/vue-grid-layout/examples/01-basic.html

Download: https://github.com/jbaysolutions/vue-grid-layout/archive/master.zip

6. vue-drag-tree

It’s a tree components(Vue2.x) that allow you to drag and drop the node to exchange their data .


  • Double click on an node to turn it into a folder
  • Drag and Drop the tree node, even between two different levels
  • Controls whether a particular node can be dragged and whether the node can be plugged into other nodes
  • Append/Remove Node in any level (#TODO)


Demo: https://vigilant-curran-d6fec6.netlify.com/#/

Download: https://github.com/shuiRong/vue-drag-tree/archive/master.zip

7. VueDragDrop

A Simple Drag & Drop example created in Vue.js.


Demo: https://seregpie.github.io/VueDragDrop/

Download: https://github.com/SeregPie/VueDragDrop/archive/master.zip

8. Vue-drag-resize

Vue Component for resize and drag elements.


Demo: http://kirillmurashov.com/vue-drag-resize/

Download: https://github.com/kirillmurashov/vue-drag-resize/archive/master.zip

9. vue-smooth-dnd

A fast and lightweight drag&drop, sortable library for Vue.js with many configuration options covering many d&d scenarios.

This library consists wrapper Vue.js components over smooth-dnd library.

Show, don’t tell !


Demo: https://kutlugsahin.github.io/vue-smooth-dnd/#/cards

Download: https://github.com/kutlugsahin/vue-smooth-dnd/archive/master.zip

10. vue-dragula

Drag and drop so simple it hurts


Demo: http://astray-git.github.io/vue-dragula/

Download: https://github.com/Astray-git/vue-dragula/archive/master.zip

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10 Best Vue Drag and Drop Component For Your App
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