IoT or the Internet of Things is revolutionizing our day to day world. IoT Platforms are what make this possible. These IoT Platforms provide users with the ability to quickly build, test, deploy, and iterate on IoT-specific applications. This shorts video brings to you the top 5 IoT Platforms in the market today.

What is IoT? 
With the Internet of Things AKA IoT, practically all appliances can be connected to the internet and monitored remotely. It is a system of interconnected devices that transfer and exchange data over a wireless network without any human intervention.

What are IoT Platforms?
Developers can create applications specifically for IoT purposes using IoT platforms. These platforms enable users to create, test, deploy, and iterate on IoT-specific apps quickly. Businesses can connect these applications and upgrade the solutions once they've been developed.

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Top 5 IoT Platforms | Best IoT Platforms 2021 | IoT Internet Of Things | #Shorts | Simplilearn
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