For the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to clean-up and normalize my blog content using Markdown. As you can imagine, this is not an easy process; but, I thought it was going quite smoothly. That is, until last night when I noticed that one of my posts was being truncated at 64,000 characters:

Tweet: That sinking feeling in your gut when you realize that you've been running data-clean-up scripts using a database driver that is quietly truncating your Large Text Buffer at 64,000 characters. I feel sick. Such an amateur mistake.

64,000 characters is the default “Long Text Buffer” size in Adobe ColdFusion’s database drivers (at least the MySQL one). You can insert more than 64K characters under such settings; however, if you try to read that data out of the database, it gets truncated. And, since my data clean-up script was querying for data, cleaning it up, and then re-saving it, it becomes clear that the clean-up was taking place on arbitrarily truncated data (which was then be re-saved over the original data - poo!).

Luckily, I only had a few posts that were longer than 64,000 characters; and, I was able to locate some original copies. So, disaster averted. But, it got me thinking about what Lucee CFML is doing by default.

To test this, I used CommandBox to spin up a fresh Lucee CFML server and a fresh Adobe ColdFusion 2018 (2018.0.09.318650) server. Then, I went into each administrative panel and I created a MySQL datasource with the default settings.

NOTE_I added _[_allowMultiQueries=true_]( to the connection string_ in order to run the compound SQL statements in my test.

Once I had the data-source in place, I create this ColdFusion script (compatible with both Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee CFML). The goal of the test is to insert two values: one smaller than 64,000 characters and one larger than 64,000 characters. And then, to see how data goes into and comes out of the database:

	Let's generate two values - one short one and one LONG ONE that is designed to use up
	more than 64,000 characters (which is the default truncation length in Adobe
	ColdFusion's data-source configuration).
<cfset shortValue = " Hello world ".repeatString( 10 ) />
<cfset longValue = " Hello world ".repeatString( 70000 ) />

<!--- Let's try to insert some data! --->
<cfquery name="dbInsert" datasource="length_test">

		id = 1,
		value = <cfqueryparam value="#shortValue#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" />

		id = 2,
		value = <cfqueryparam value="#longValue#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" />

	-- Now, let's see how much data was actually inserted into the database.
		LENGTH( value ) AS valueLength


			<strong>Short Value ([ 1 ]## )</strong>
				<li>Inserted Length: #numberFormat( dbInsert.valueLength[ 1 ] )#</li>
				<li>Returned Length: #numberFormat( dbInsert.value[ 1 ].len() )#</li>
			<strong>Short Value ([ 2 ]## )</strong>
				<li>Inserted Length: #numberFormat( dbInsert.valueLength[ 2 ] )#</li>
				<li>Returned Length: #numberFormat( dbInsert.value[ 2 ].len() )#</li>



The Default MySQL Driver Settings Do Not Appear To Truncate Long Text In Lucee CFML
2.15 GEEK