Last couple weeks were tough for me. The reason behind the challenging and long working hours for weeks was launching the new version of a backend which had been developed for seven years. From day to day until this September, the codebase got bigger and bigger with every new features and their bug fixes. I joined this journey at July 2019 and put so much effort with my colleagues.

First, we split the application into two logical partition. One for customers and one for service providers. Then we decided to start this overhauling on “service providers” because business logic were heavy at this side. Then we split the codebase into microservices. More pressure, more things to ignore.

When they put more pressure C-level decided to ignore things. At the end of the day we had a monolithic backend with some of the features and bunch of microservices. As you can imagine things became complicated. But we had one thing to hold on to! That was our logging strategy. We logged every step. When a bug occurred, we just opened up CloudWatch logs and queried, believe me after five minutes or little less, the problem was right in your eyes.

#nodejs #logging #javascript #software-development #software-engineering

How To Log Like A Boss With Node.js
2.10 GEEK