Python string isnumeric() is an inbuilt method that is used to check if the given string all the characters as numerals. The isnumeric() function returns true if all the characters present in the string is numeric and false in all other cases. Numeric characters can be of different types such as integers, decimals, subscript, roman numerals, currency numerators, superscript and many more. The main thing about numeric characters is that they all are present in Unicode.

Python String isnumeric()

Python isnumeric() function checks whether all the characters of the string are numeric characters or not. The isnumeric() function returns True if all the characters are true, otherwise returns False.

Numeric characters include digit characters and all the characters which have the Unicode numeric value property.

We can define the method isnumeric() only on the objects of Unicode objects. One more advantage of the isnumeric() method is that we can count the number of numeric values and use that in our solution generally used in competitive programming.


Here the  string is the string that is to be checked if it is numeric or not.

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Python String isnumeric() Method Example
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