Due to achievement on automation current economic paradigm arrived to its boundary limits of validity. It does not mean that is going to end. As is being perceived right know we already live with different economies side by side everyday. The one more easily perceived is also what is being taking place from centuries ago, and is my personal opinion that is also the one that is now fully exhausted in a sense that it already defines what is possible to merchant within it.

The possibility of automation is so vast that is already required a new thinking on what does it mean in terms of work. Primary need of humans in order to get by a everyday life on society (not to be confused with partnership OOC). As result, automated systems open the possibility of living in new ways never seen before. Automated, does not mean that a person will not have anything to do or work. Instead you are required to know how to use knowledge in real-time in order to be able to do work, or instead, access the usage of technological equipment.

One thing that is yet to be addressed and way before starting thinking on philosophical arrangements or organisation of society‡, what does these advancements allow that will change the way we live. One should not be afraid or question modern society‡ in order to assess and get a better understanding of what are the needs before applying current two way economic system. But also give it some considerations as is also required.

Conceptual cities like this one bellow, and do not be led by image geometry or impact of geometry construction design, are optimized for big city services during the day. One thing that is yet to be developed is how primary work for those types of conceptual cities will be. Sure, drawings look great and feel even more, however one should take into consideration nevertheless, primary services such as garbage collection, goods delivery by the door, infrastructures maintenance such as water pipes, power cables or communication networks need workers with skills for manual labour with tools at hand.

#economics #artificial-intelligence #machine-learning #interaction #data-science

The paradigm change on social-economic two way of interaction
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