As a creator of web apps, chances are that you’ll eventually need some form of Authentication.

Developing a full-fledged authentication system, with email verification and forgotten password systems, is difficult to get right and even harder to prove secure.

The alternative is to go for an “off the shelf” identity provider which, whilst they give you everything you need right out of the box, can quickly become expensive, and therefore not viable for smaller projects.

An exception to this is Firebase Authentication by Google.

Firebase Auth allows you to hook into social providers as well as email/password authentication and comes with email verification and forgotten password flows as default. Not only that but it’s free to use! (Up to a certain point of course).

I should state that other Identity Providers, such as Auth0 and Okta, offer free tiers to their pricing. However, I find Firebase Authentication to be much quicker and easier to get going. Not to mention how well it integrates with Firestore DB, allowing me to utilise a single provider for authentication and database all for free!

#software-engineering #vuejs #javascript #firebase #programming

VueJS, the Composition API & Firebase Authentication
4.85 GEEK