At this very moment, more than 1 billion smartphone devices are accommodating close to 7 million mobile apps across all the niches. The mobile apps penetrated every living space and all business niches imaginable. This could only be possible because of apps’ voracious capacity to incorporate new and innovative technologies that continue to keep coming with unique value propositions.

When location-sensing technologies such as beacons and geofencing first appeared, they quickly became part of the mobile app ecosystem. The emergence of cloud computing, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots, and many other technologies just coincided with mobile app development.

Every new technology and development trend became an essential ingredient of mobile apps. Mobile apps emerged over time as the preferred playground for all tech experiments. Mobile apps also continued to become more sophisticated, richly featured, dynamically capable, and versatile thanks to these new technologies.

In recent years, the following technologies played the most crucial role in transforming mobile apps. These can also be taken as the upcoming app development trends to watch out for.

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