In this post, we will cover how to access query parameters in a URL using [URLSearchParams]( .

Query parameters are sometimes called search parameters and appear at the end of a URL:

In the above example, we have two parameters called param1 and param2 with values value1 and value2 respectively. gives us the bit of the URL from the question mark:


We could write some string manipulation code to extract the parameter values from this string, but there is a much easier way with URLSearchParams:

const params = new URLSearchParams(
const paramValue1 = params.get("param1"); // value1

The URLSearchParams constructor takes in the query parameters part of a URL. The object that is returned gives us useful utility methods to work with the query parameters.

The get method returns the value of the parameter name passed into it. It returns null if the parameter doesn’t exist.

params.get("param-that-does-not-exist"); // null

We can check whether a parameter exists using the has method:

params.has("param1"); // true
params.has("param-that-does-not-exist"); // false

The entries method allows us to iterate through all the parameters:

for (const [name, value] of params.entries()) {
  console.log(name, value);

#javascript #parameters #browser

Accessing Browser Query Parameters in JavaScript
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