Model and Operate Datacenter by Kubernetes at eBay - Xiaogang Xin & Tommy Mei, eBay

Kubernetes provides amazing model abstraction of your application. Kubernetes also runs a group of controllers that take care of routine tasks to ensure the desired state of the application matches the observed state. However, would you think Kubernetes can even model your datacenter in large scale and also operate the datacenter through controllers? This is true in eBay. We are facing large scale clusters running on tens of thousands machines. We want a central service, a unified interface to operate both infrastructure and application.We are leveraging on Kubernetes CRD to model our infrastructure, such as, Rack, L2Domain, NetworkScope, Asset, Flavor, etc. And we also use Kubernetes CRD to model K8sCluster as well. In this talk, we will share how we model datacenter from 3 layers: - Fleet management - Configuration management - K8S cluster management


Model and Operate Datacenter by Kubernetes at eBay - Xiaogang Xin & Tommy Mei, eBay
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