Python add to dictionary example is today’s topic. Python has so many data structures, and one of them is the Dictionary. Python dictionary is one of the built-in Python data types. Add and remove elements are is the standard operations of data structures, and add element to dictionary is one of them. Python dictionary elements are key-value pairs.

Python add to dictionary

Perfect meaning of Python add to dictionary is either items or elements insert into  dictionary. We will see different ways of inserting key-value pairs in Python dict.

Some of the data structures have specific methods to add elements in the structure, but there is no explicitly defined method to add the new key to the dictionary.

If you want to add the new key to a dictionary, then you can use the assignment operator with the dictionary key.

See the following snippet.

dict[key] = value

Now, one thing to keep in mind that if the key already exists, then it will override the value.

#python #python dict #python add to dictionary

Python Add To Dictionary Example | Add Key In Python Dict
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