MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that uses documents for data storage. MongoDB is considered schema-less, which means that it doesn’t require a defined database schema. It’s a great tool if you want to scale and evolve quickly, as it supports rapid iterative development and allows multiple team members to collaborate.

Docker is a tool that you can use to build applications that run on your host operating system. It runs natively on Linux. Docker uses containers and allows you to combine your application with all its dependencies into a single unit. With Docker, it’s easy to create a container and start working with different technologies.

In this tutorial, we’ll create a MongoDB container using Docker.

Let’s get started!

We’ll cover:

  • Why use MongoDB with Docker?
  • Getting started
  • Setting up a MongoDB container
  • Interacting with a MongoDB container
  • Wrapping up and next steps

#docker #docker-container #mongodb

MongoDB with Docker: Get started in 5 minutes
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