Authorization with AWS Cognito for nodeJS express server

Authorization with AWS Cognito for nodeJS express server

How to setup:

Install all dependencies.

$ npm install


I don't know why he DID NOT provide ANY CODE reference or at least made code in text, not just screenshots of it...

Create AWS Cognito UserPool service:

Login to your aws account and open the Cognito service, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter a Pool name of your choice & click Step through settings
  2. Under Which standard attributes do you want to require? make sure birthdate, email, family_name & name are all checked & click Next Step
  3. Keep clicking Next Step until you reach the App clients and click Add a new app client
  4. Give whatever client name you want and make sure Enable username password based authentication (ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH) is checked and click Create app client
  5. Keep clicking Next Step and finally click Create pool

Make sure to pass these variables to utils/config.ts file:

Screenshot from 2020-08-09 17-53-25

Download Details:

Author: ChildOfJustice

Source Code:

#node #nodejs #javascript

Authorization with AWS Cognito for nodeJS express server
17.40 GEEK